Our Family Education Program is available online at our Family Education Center.
To access the Program, please contact us at 315-696-6114
Addiction does not just affect the person suffering from the disorder. Addiction is a disease that affects not only the individual struggling with it but also their loved ones. Family members often become emotionally and psychologically drained while caring for their loved ones with addiction.
At Tully Hill, we know the impact addiction has on families. We also know that treating family members impacted by substance use disorders can empower them to live healthy, productive lives, individually and together.
We engage families at the start of treatment. To help family members cope with the struggles of addiction, our Family Education Center offers online programs that focus on the disease of addiction. The program aims to educate family members on how to take care of themselves while supporting their loved ones. By learning these skills, family members can make positive changes in their lives, which can lead to their personal growth and well-being.
The program activities are designed to help family members gain the knowledge and develop the skills to handle difficult conversations. These conversations can address the various issues that addiction causes, such as anger, frustration, fear, and anxiety, shame and guilt, emotional and economic burdens, as well as job losses and financial stress.
By participating in our program, family members will learn how to communicate effectively with their loved ones and support them through their recovery journey.

Our Family Program goal is to restore the family stability and love.
Accessing our Family Program online at our Family Education Center provides family members with the help and support they need in realizing that goal. Our Family Education Center activities help family members achieve the following objectives for themselves and a family member suffering from and being treated for their addiction:
➢ The reframing of family members’ relationships and interactions with each other, including the family member with an addiction
➢ The improvement in communication between and among family members and the family member with an addiction
➢ Learning what relapse is, how to recognize the signs of it and how to intervene early in any relapse process
➢ Learning and accepting the importance of participating in the continuing care plan of the family member with an addiction, including involvement with self-help programs like Al-Anon

To protect the privacy and anonymity of our patients, all images on this page are for illustration purposes only and do not depict actual patients.