Personal Referrals
Your Road to Recovery begins at Tully Hill. Take the next step and begin your journey to embrace healing mentally, physically, and spiritually. Refer Now
A Friend or Family Member
Addiction is a family disease. We teach everyone how to live with addiction, individually and together. Refer Now
Healthcare Recommended Referrals
Referrals from ER and unit medical and social worker staff, social workers and hospital placement coordinators are patients’ next step on their road to recovery. Refer Now
OP Agency/Clinical
Outpatient agency staff and group and individual practice clinicians trust us when referring their clients in need of a higher level of care. Refer Now
Medical practices refer their patients in need, knowing our services and programs will help their patients’ recover. Refer Now
Specialty Referrals
Uniformed Professional
Law enforcement pros, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders; we restore uniformed professionals’ lives, families, and careers. Refer Now
An Employee
Help your employees get the care they need. Three of every four adults with untreated addiction are in the workplace. Refer Now
Are you an EAP? An Attorney or Law Firm? A Court System Representative?
We’ll handle all of your referrals’ needs. From taking information about your referral, to screening them, taking care of all insurance matters, to arranging to evaluate and admit your referral to treatment.
We’ll stay in touch with you about admission and throughout treatment, keeping you posted about your referral’s progress in treatment and aftercare plans.
Call Admissions at 315-696-6114 and ask for Intake

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